How to Clean Out Your Medicine Cabinet

ByABC News via GMA logo
December 26, 2006, 1:40 PM

Dec. 27, 2006 — -- Nothing says New Year's like resolutions to clean up and get organized. An overflowing medicine cabinet is a great place to start.

With these tips from Dr. Donnica Moore, president of the Sapphire Women's Health Group and a women's health expert, you'll have your medicine cabinet in tip-top shape in no time.

The long-time mantra of real estate agents everywhere is a critical philosophy to have toward your medicines. Keeping your medication in the ideal place can maximize safety and also improve your ability to take your medication properly and get the best results in the long run.

Even medicine that is presumably safe can be toxic if a child drinks a whole bottle of it. Remember that a motivated child can drag a chair into the bathroom, climb on top of the sink and reach whatever he wants to explore. Don't be lured into complacency by "child-proof" caps.

Also, don't underestimate the motives of school-aged children. If your child ever makes comments like "I wish I were dead," take this seriously and seek professional help if necessary.

Your bathroom medicine cabinet may not be the best place to store every drug. Some medicines need to be refrigerated, while some, like hydrogen peroxide, need to be kept in the dark. If you have uncertainties or any questions, your pharmacist is an excellent resource.

If you take any medicines requiring injections, store your syringes and needles safely -- out of the reach of children -- and dispose of them properly in medical hazard boxes, not in the trash.

Consider your lifestyle. Store medicines that are taken after eating in a kitchen cabinet.