Heart Health at Risk for Obese Kids

A new study shows overweight kids can suffer advanced arterial damage.

ByABC News via GMA logo
November 11, 2008, 7:21 PM

Nov. 12, 2008 — -- Artery damage is something most people associate with adults, but a new study from Children's Mercy Hospital in Missouri shows overweight kids can suffer advanced arterial damage.

In fact, some of the obese youngsters in the study had arteries that looked 30 years older than they should have. "Good Morning America" medical contributor Dr. Marie Savard explains the effects of arterial damage in children and what parents can do to diagnose and reverse their children's vascular damage.

It's still early for a child. The buildup of plaque hasn't happened as long, so the plaque is still soft, and there is reason to believe from other research that the progression can be stopped and even reversed.

And for any kid that's overweight or obese, this is just more of a reason to do what we already know is good: live a healthy lifestyle with a heart healthy diet and exercise, and get enough sleep.

In severe instances where lifestyle changes haven't been enough, the American Academy of Pediatrics has agreed that medication is a possibility, but that's not a first resort.