Top Jobs for People Over 50

Tory Johnson tells you which jobs are best for retirees and how to get one.

ByABC News via GMA logo
October 19, 2008, 3:26 PM

Oct. 20, 2008 — -- The economic downturn is hurting American workers across the board, including older workers, which is why many are putting off retirement or re-entering the workforce. A new survey by AARP found that seven in 10 workers older than 50 expect to be employed in retirement, mainly in part-time work.

The new issue of AARP magazine has a list of the top companies for 50+ workers and half of the top 20 employers are in health care. Unlike most sectors, health care is growing, which means workers of all ages benefit. The good news is that it's not concentrated in one part of the country; there are health care organizations in every state. And they're not just hiring doctors and nurses. The field employs administrative workers, pharmacists, and elder care agentsa wide range of non-caregiving roles.

How to find the jobs. If you're interested in pursuing an opportunity in the health care industry, make a list of all of the hospitals in your area. Research the health care systems, pharmacies, major medical practices and health insurance providers. Check their Web sites for job openings.

In addition, consider resources dedicated to the 50+ market. has 30,000 current jobs, 2,000 of which have been added in the last 30 days, directly posted by employers that want to recruit old workers. is another site for older workers.

Don't stop there. Once you've submitted your resume online, make a call to the HR department or the hiring manager to reiterate why you're an ideal match. Finding a name and making that connection is often the difference between your resume being viewed or sitting in that black hole. If you can't get a name by cold-calling, use to search for a specific name.

Be reachable. One challenge for older workers is consistent communication, especially for those without a computer with Internet access at home. If you visit a library once a week to use the Internet, you'll miss out on opportunities if a prospective employer tries to reach you on the other six. Use a friend's computer to check your emailyou can use, or, among others, to set up a free email account to access from anywhereor provide a cell phone number.

Tory Johnson is the Workplace Contributor on Good Morning America and the CEO of Women For Hire. Visit her Web site at