Back to School Shopping Without Spending a Dime

Tory Johnson tells us how to get a great look for an even better price.

ByABC News via GMA logo
August 11, 2009, 5:32 PM

Aug. 12, 2009— -- As every mom knows, there's little more frustrating than giving in to back-to-school clothing purchases that you know your kids don't really need. If yours are like mine, they'll promise, pledge and pinky-swear to care for the stuff while wearing it oh-so-often.

Then reality sets in. And the clothing finds its spot nestled at the bottom of the closet or crumbled in a drawer never to see daylight. Nobody meant for it to happen this way -- their intentions were good, but ultimately this fate is inevitable with 'tweens and teens.

Imagine now if your kids could get a wardrobe -- or at least a couple outfits -- that's new to them, without costing you a penny?

It's not a fantasy, thanks to consignment and exchange shops. If your kid is wearing junior or adult sizes, she (and you) are in luck for some cash-free shopping. This works for boys too.

Inspect each item for rips, stains, missing or broken pieces. They'll be rejected, so don't bother. Popular mall brands and designer merchandise does well. Current or truly vintage styles trump last year's rejects. Classic looks never go out.