Tips for Having Fun, Safely, This Summer

Tips to beat the heat -- or make the most of it -- safely.

ByABC News via GMA logo
July 15, 2010, 9:39 PM

July 16, 2010 — -- Summer is in full swing, and it means fun in the sun, with swimming, barbecues and lots of activities in the great outdoors.

But while you're busy planning your next family outing, don't ignore the basic safety tips that could ensure your children's safety.

The recent record-breaking high temperatures means lots of people are heading for a cooling dip in the pool. Parents need to be aware of the very real dangers that can lurk in and around the placid water.

Click HERE to learn more about children's swimming safety.

Cars can heat up to more than 100 degrees in just a few minutes.

Click HERE for more about making the best of your summer vacation with your pet.

If you love biking in the summer, enjoy it safely.

Click HERE for other bicycle safety tips from NHTSA.