Dress Your Man at Any Age

ByABC News via GMA logo
September 16, 2005, 11:04 AM

Sept. 16, 2005 — -- Is the man in your life dressing "too young" for his age? Maybe he still wears his lucky tube socks from his junior year in high school? Maybe his fashion sense is just plain frightening?

"GMA" and GQ magazine style editor Adam Rapoport are coming to the rescue with tips on how to dress your man with flair:

20-Something Style: This look puts a new twist on tradition. The key is that your guy doesn't look like he's been forced to put on a suit, like he's going to grandma's house.

For the office, try a suit with a young cut, which means it's a bit slimmer. To make it cool, you can twist it by wearing a colorful sweater, the collar undone, and a skinny tie.

For a 20-something weekend look, get trendy, because this is the only time you can get away with it. If you're wearing a skull cap to hide the fact you're balding, you're too old to be trendy.

Click here for more age-appropriate styles.