How to Get Emotional Eating Under Control

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 8, 2004, 5:52 PM

Jan. 12 -- Have you ever had a bad day at the office and headed straight home to retreat to the couch with a tub of ice cream? Does chocolate get you through those stressful relationship moments?

For some, eating can be more about filling an emotional need rather than true hunger.

Since June, trainer Jorge Cruise, author of Eight Minutes in the Morning, has been helping two San Diego mothers get their weight and their emotional eating under control, and charting their progress on Good Morning America.

The women felt that emotional eating, as opposed to eating when they were hungry, had prevented them from being their personal best.

Karen Dunn, a mother of two, who often ate while watching TV late at night, lost 20 pounds at the August check-in, and has now lost a total of 32 pounds. She has gone from a size 24 to a size 16/18.

Lori Brown, a mother of three young children who reached for chocolate when she was stressed or upset, lost 22 pounds at the August check-in, and has now lost 47 pounds. She has shrunk from a size 14 to a size 6, and now enjoys shopping in trendy stores.

"I didn't need a diet," Brown said. "I needed a lifestyle change. [Jorge] helped me address issues from my childhood which caused me to medicate myself with food. Now, my heart is open."

She interacts with other people on Cruise's Web site (, serving as a mentor.

Dunn admits she had some trouble changing her eating habits.

"I had trouble eating every three hours because I work two jobs," Dunn said. "I get up at 4 a.m. and light a candle and work out. When I need support, I call Lori or even call Jorge or I'll go online and talk to other people."

Here are Cruise's tips that helped Dunn and Brown stop emotional eating.

1. Use mantra: Is this what I really need?

Use a mantra to get you through moments of difficulty.