Laura Bush's Private Tour of White House

Bushes bond with Michelle Obama and girls over closet space, jumping on beds.

ByABC News via GMA logo
November 26, 2008, 12:31 PM

Nov. 26, 2008 — -- First lady Laura Bush and her daughters, and Michelle Obama and her daughters found common ground on a number of issues during the Obamas' recent visit to the White House. The current and future first ladies talked about the importance of closet space, while the daughters agreed that jumping on the White House beds was fun.

The Obamas recently toured their soon-to-be home with Bush, who showed them rooms and secret spaces the public never sees. An upcoming History Channel documentary will give viewers a rare behind-the-scenes look at the sanctuaries within the White House and a glimpse into the private lives of first families.

Laura Bush said today on "Good Morning America" that she showed Obama the closet and storage space in the house because "I think it's something that women like to be sure they know about before they move somewhere."

"There are a number of what look like secret doors everywhere here," Bush explained in the documentary. "Because of the oval shape that's so common in the White House we end up with these extra spaces in what would be the corner. So that's what these are used for."

Bush said the first rooms she redecorated in the White House were twins Barbara's and Jenna's bedrooms, and that's where Michelle Obama will start as well.

"We told her it is a home, and I know that's what she wants to do," Bush said. "And that's her first priority, to make sure her little girls have a home."

Barbara and Jenna Bush gave the Obama girls, 7-year-old Sasha and 10-year-old Malia, the fun version of the White House tour.

With 132 rooms, six levels, 35 bathrooms, 412 doors and three elevators, the White House offers plenty of space for kids to explore.

Barbara and Jenna showed the girls their bedrooms as well as "all the tricks," including a hallway that can be used as an obstacle course, a solarium lamp the girls can slide down like a fire pole, and another room with a bed so tall some visitors have used a step to get into it.

"The little girls did the running jump," Laura Bush told "GMA." "And Barbara and Jenna aided and abetted at jumping."