It's a Bacon Explosion!

A Recipe That Weaves Layers of Bacon and Sausage

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 30, 2009, 2:21 PM

Jan. 30, 2009 -- As seen on Good Morning America, one unique dish unites bacon and sausage as never before. Below is the exact Bacon Explosion Recipe, as described by the barbeque masterminds at Enjoy!


2 pounds thick cut bacon

2 pounds Italian sausage

1 jar of your favorite barbeque sauce

1 jar of your favorite barbeque rub


To kick off the construction of this pork medley you'll need to create a 5×5 bacon weave. If the strips you're using aren't as wide as the ones pictured, then you may need to use a few extra slices to fill out the pattern. Just make sure your weave is tight and that you end up with a nice square shape to work with.

The next step is to add some barbeque seasoning on top of your bacon weave. Being the barbeque addict that I am, I whipped up a batch of Burnt Finger BBQ's competition pork rub for this special occasion.

Now that your pork is well seasoned, it's time to add more pork. Take two pounds of Italian sausage and layer it directly on top of your bacon weave. Be sure to press the sausage to the outer edges of the bacon creating a patty that is the same thickness all the way across. Most grocery stores carry loose sausage, so just pick out one you like. I chose to go with a mild sausage, but spicy would work just the same. If you really want to get crazy, take a stab at making your own homemade sausage.

Next up is bacon layer number two. Take the remaining bacon slices and fry them up the same way you would for breakfast (or lunch, or dinner, or a midnight snack). If you like soft bacon, make it soft. If you like crunchy bacon, make it crunchy. If you like your bacon burnt so the smoke detectors go off, then burn it so the smoke detectors go off. These pieces are going to be a major part of the inner flavor of our sausage fatty, so cook them your favorite way. Personally, I like my bacon right at the point when it starts to get crispy, but hasn't quite lost all of the softness yet. Regardless of how well done you like yours, you'll need to crumble or chop the cooked strips into bite size pieces and place on top of the sausage layer. (Note-It's OK, and encouraged, to snack on these pieces while you're chopping/crumbling. But keep in mind that once those bacon morsels touch the raw sausage, you'll need to resist all temptations to nibble. This can and will be difficult, but hospital trips are no fun, so stay strong.)