Save Money on Pet Care

ByABC News via GMA logo
May 17, 2006, 9:59 AM

May 17, 2006 — -- Pet care can be expensive, but luckily "Good Morning America's" favorite veterinarian, Dr. Marty Becker, has tips to save on everything from dog food to specialized pet surgery.

Buy Pet Food in Bigger Bags
If you have a small dog and buy small bags of premium pet food, or a larger dog and have been buying smaller bags for convenience and ease of handling -- stop! Buy the largest size of food, keep a small amount out in an airtight container, and keep the balance in an airtight container or sealed heavy-duty trash bag inside a garbage can, or better yet, keep it in the freezer. Although superpremium foods cost more per ounce, you feed so much less they end up saving you money.

Ask Your Vet to Match Drug Prices
There are several online companies that sell prescription parasite control products and routine medications. Go online or call up and get a price quote from these outside companies, and ask your veterinarian whether he or she will match the price. The vast majority will. By the time you figure in shipping and handling charges, you'll most likely pay less than you would have online.

Ask About Special Promotions
The second week in May is National Pet Week -- sponsored by the American Veterinary Medical Association Auxiliary -- and many veterinary hospitals offer specials on vaccinations and spays and neuters during this special event. Likewise, October is National Pet Wellness Month and February is National Pet Dental Month and many clinics offer special prices during these events.

Use Teaching Hospitals
If you have a pet that has suffered a serious injury or has major medical problems, you may want to consider taking the pet to the hospital at a veterinary college if there's one close by. These hospitals, which are incredibly eager to get patients to teach students, will often charge fees that are below what private practices charge.