How to Boost Your Savings Account

Calculate and plan ahead to acheive your goals.

ByABC News via GMA logo
October 6, 2010, 10:23 PM

Oct. 7, 2010 — -- What can you do right now that can help give your savings account a boost?

Figure out how much you'll have to save per week, per month, or per paycheck to attain each of your savings goals.

Take each thing you want to save for and figure out how much you need to start saving now.

For most savings goals, it's best to save the same amount each period. For example, if you want to put a $20,000 down payment on a home in 36 months (three years), you'll need to save about $550 per month every month. But if your paychecks amount to $1000, it might not be a realistic goal, so adjust your time-frame until you come up with an approachable amount.

CLICK HERE for more money-saving tips from

CLICK HERE for more financial advice from personal finance expert Mellody Hobson.