Sex After the Baby: Couples Confess

Married couples speak out about the change in their sex lives after having kids.

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 8, 2009, 12:25 AM

Feb. 8, 2008— -- In between feedings and sleep, there's little time for new parents to do anything basic for themselves, let alone set aside time to work on their sex lives.

After juggling all of the cooking, working and keeping up with the kids, most married couples seem to accept that their sex lives won't be what they once were.

"Just doesn't happen as frequently as before, and when we do, we're tired, and it has to be scheduled. It's shorter – not a lot of time to cuddle afterward. Someone's always crying or something's always happening. It's definitely a lot shorter," said George Huffman, a young father who sets up appointments for sex with his wife Kathleen.

"It's easy to make an appointment. Keeping it is the hard part," said George.

"He falls asleep. I'm downstairs waiting for you. I'm like, 'What happened to you?' He fell asleep," said Kathleen with a laugh.

ABC News gathered three husbands in their 20s and 30s who agreed to fess up on camera to Dr. Belisa Vranich, a clinical psychologist. Unbeknownst to them, their private confessions were watched by their wives while they were being taped.

In the end, the couples faced each other and had a rare and candid exchange about what they've learned, and how to move forward in their relationships

Chris and Anita Russo have been married for five years. They have an adorable three-and-a-half-year old son, Marco. But since the baby came along, Chris has been feeling very neglected.

Dr. Vranich: What do you miss most about Anita as a girlfriend and Anita as a wife?

Chris: Men are babies too, you know. We need attention.

Chris:We want unsolicited sex. We want the wife at the door in the nice lingerie, no baby home.

Dr Vranich: I hear that all the time with guys. 'Initiate.'

Chris: I want that. I always say, 'how come you can't initiate? I mean, you always have fun when we get there, but how come you can't initiate the trip?'

Serena and Kendall have been married for three years. Their 13-month old daughter, Tiarra, is the center of their universe. But Kendall confesses he misses spontaneous fun and intimacy with his wife.