Chris Works Out His Exercise Plan

Chris Cuomo hopes "slow and steady" wins his diet race.

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 10, 2009, 4:29 PM

April 23, 2008 — -- I am back!

After a poor start due to too much heat on vacay and not enough attention to the requirements of the diet read the book/guidelines for the diet and check with doctor! I am feeling good and sticking with the program.

I have been pretty good about the diet. It takes some focus because you actually need to add calories and fat to your diet and that is a little counterintuitive to me.

The workouts are reasonable and the running intervals break up the monotony.

The key is for me to get into a routine ... and not try to do it all too soon...

Slow and steady!

Let me know how goes it for you.

Next up ... videos of the exercises with tips I have learned

Check out these helpful links about the TNT diet: