First Lady Preps for Queen's Visit

The White House hosts Queen Elizabeth II at tonight's state dinner.

ByABC News via GMA logo
May 7, 2007, 9:11 AM

May 7, 2007 — -- As the White House prepared for the queen of England's arrival for a state dinner later today, first lady Laura Bush sat down with "Good Morning America" anchor Robin Roberts to discuss the dinner.

Roberts: I know it's a busy, busy, busy day for you.

Bush: It is, but a very happy occasion. Truly, everyone is buzzing around here. Just like any dinner party when you have a very special guest. We've done everything we can think of to do to make it a wonderful evening for her. I know the American people are thrilled that she's here in the United States. It's a happy occasion.

Roberts: Before we talk more about the dinner, I know that you were even watching in the newscast, of course all those in Kansas. You have family down in Texas. I know that your husband has declared parts of Kansas a disaster area. I know your thoughts are with the people there.

Bush: I know, Greensburg, Kan., especially, almost the whole town was destroyed. Everyone is thinking about those families there and hoping for the very best -- of course grieving with those who lost a family member.

Roberts: Talking about that, that's a hot topic in the news right now. Also, the poll about your husband's approval rating at an all-time low of percent. With the presidential election just a year and a half away, is there concern about the low rating? Will [it] have a negative impact on the Republicans running?

Bush: Well, sure. Of course there would be concern about that. But the fact is, we don't really look at polls. This is a job where if you do things that are popular, they're not always the best things to do. And, I think he feels like he has -- that it's his responsibility to make hard decisions and to do things that are the best for our country.

Roberts: You are very festive today in opening your home. Many people were wondering what it would be like, to have a queen over for dinner. Did you sleep well last night?

Bush: We're all very, very excited here. We slept great, but very excited to host her. We have the opportunity to be here the last time she was here for a state dinner, in 1991, when President Bush and Barbara Bush hosted her. So, this is our second opportunity to be at the White House with her, and we're so thrilled to have this chance to host her, and to show her the strong affection that the American people have for the British, our longtime allies and our best friends.