Katie Holmes Is Back on the Big Screen

In rare interview the actress reveals details about Tom, Suri and her new movie.

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 9, 2009, 7:21 PM

Jan. 14, 2008 — -- Katie Holmes has been away from the big screen for a couple of years. She's been busy with her new roles as a wife and a mom.

Now for the first time since giving birth to Suri and her fairy-tale wedding, she is back starring with Diane Keaton and Queen Latifah in "Mad Money," a comedy about money and how far three "mad" women will go to get it.

In her first television interview in almost two years, Holmes joined "Good Morning America" to talk about her new film and her new life.

Holmes has shied away from the spotlight since her picture-perfect wedding to Tom Cruise almost three years ago. She told "GMA's" Diane Sawyer about the tears of joy she shed that day.

"I got ready and I was so excited. And I, you know, I looked at my dad, and said 'Honestly, do I look OK? I mean, this is important to me.' You know, he was really sweet. He said, 'You look great.' And the moment that the doors opened and I saw Tom, I was just locked in. I mean, it was so magical. It was perfect."

In April Suri will be 2 and Holmes can't believe it has gone so fast. She says Suri is growing fast and loves to talk, frequently mimicking her parents.

"Now she's talking all the time. So she's saying, 'Who's that? Who's that?' We were at FAO Schwartz last night. We got in, running around, eating ice cream and playing with all of the toys. And Tom and I were playing with a lot of the toys ourselves. It's fun for adults. You get carried away," she said.

Holmes' mom has described her as being a "strong-willed" child and it sounds like Suri is not so different.

"She's delightful," Holmes said about Suri. "I mean, she's very strong and bright. And she picks out some of her clothes, and she loves running around. She's beautiful, very smart."

When Holmes was expecting Suri, she said "everything had to be pink," but luckily Suri hasn't hit that stage yet.

Holmes hasn't appeared in a film for years. She said she would only do another movie if it was worth the time she would have to give up with her family.

"You know what, I read the script and I knew that Diane was attached and Queen Latifah. And I obviously was a huge fan of both of them, and I loved Kelly Kerry. I thought this was a great caper movie three unlikely women. I mean, these characters in the movie would never have been friends had they not needed to rob the bank. And it's very silly and highly unlikely," she said.