Debunking Food Myths

Is it impossible to eat six Saltine crackers in a row without water?

ByABC News via GMA logo
July 29, 2008, 6:48 AM

July 29, 2008 — -- Food connoisseur Ted Allen explores the link between food and science in his new television series "Food Detectives." The former "Queer Eye" host dropped by "Good Morning America" to set the record straight on some commonly held food myths by explaining some of the tests performed for his show.

Find out what happens when you swallow your gum and just how sanitary double dipping is by checking out the results of Allen's food tests below.

Does dipping a chip into dip after it has already been dipped and bitten transmit germs?

The Question: If you swallow gum will it stay in your stomach for seven years?

What foods can cause dangerous situations when you microwave them?

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Saliva is necessary to swallow food. The saltines are extremely dry, so they soak up all of the saliva in the mouth. Just a few crackers into the challenge, there is very little saliva left to start the digestive process.