Analysis: Miers Withdrawal Was Damage Control

ByABC News via GMA logo
October 30, 2005, 10:11 AM

Oct. 30, 2005 — -- Now that Harriet Miers's nomination has imploded, all eyes are on President Bush to see who he will nominate to fill Justice Sandra Day O'Connor's Supreme Court seat. A nominee could come as early as Monday and almost certainly will be announced before Bush leaves for South America on Thursday.

Stuart Taylor, legal affairs editor of National Journal, has identified some potential nominations. Here are some people Bush might nominate, according to Taylor:

However, McConnell spoke out against the Supreme Court decision in favor of Bush during the election of 2000, arguing that the state of Florida should have been given more time to settle the matter.

Taylor said McConnell may be the most "confirmable" of the bunch -- and confirmable is what Bush is after -- because McConnell is a law professor and, despite his conservatism, is considered a great legal mind by many liberals.

Alito also has the type of lengthy record that should please many conservatives -- including being the sole dissenter in a case that was attempting to strike down a law requiring married women to consult their husbands before getting an abortion.