'Jessi Slaughter' Says Death Threats Won't Stop Her From Posting Videos on the Internet

Jessi Slaughter, 11, says she stands behind profanity-laced video.

ByABC News via GMA logo
July 22, 2010, 7:57 AM

July 22, 2010— -- The Florida seventh grader whose profanity-laced video prompted online death threats said today that she has no intentions of logging off the Internet, a decision that's backed by her parents.

"I'm going to continue making my videos, I'm going to continue updating my Twitter and going on Stickam and stuff -- just going to be a little more careful with who sees what I'm doing," the girl told ABCNews.com. Because of her age she is identified here by her screen name "Jessi Slaughter" rather than her real name.

For more on this story, tune in to "Good Morning America" Friday at 7 a.m. ET for our continuing coverage.

Jessi's rage, violent threats and graphic language that she used against her online tormentors have dropped jaws.

"I'm happy with my life okay? And if you can't, like, realize that and stop hating you know what?" the 11-year-old said in the video. "I'll pop a Glock in your mouth and make a brain slushy."

"Because you hater-b*****s? You're just, like, jealous of me," she said. "Stop hating on me. I'm just a normal girl who's perfect in every way and you're just jealous."

She ended the video by giving the middle finger and blowing a kiss at the camera.

"I stand behind it 100 percent because it cleared up a lot of things that were posted," she told ABCNews.com.

"I just want it to kind of like turn positive," she said. "And I kind of do like the attention but I don't like so much negative attention."

But her mother, Diane Leonhardt, said things will change in their house. While Jessi will not be banned from using the Internet, a detective will come by the house next week to sit with her and explain how use the Internet safely and responsibly.

As for the content of the video, "I don't want to see that going on anymore and I have talked about it. She is going to start getting some counseling," Leonhardt said.

Jessi created an Internet firestorm when she posted a nearly five-minute video raging against online bullies who had called her names and accused a friend of raping her.

But her online rage, posted to Stickam, a video-sharing site, and uploaded on YouTube, only prompted more hatred, this time from more experience and vicious computer junkies.

Once her story hit the message boards of 4chan, an infamous and anonymous network Web savvy users, the threats against Jessi started coming fast and furious. Members of Anonymous, a group linked to 4chan, quickly joined in as did users of the like-minded site Tumblr.

They posted her full name, address and home phone numbers and death threats began rolling in.