Nadia Bloom, Missing Florida Girl With Asperger's, Emerges From Swamp

'Glad you guys found me,' says rescued girl, 11, after days in wilderness.

ByABC News via GMA logo
April 12, 2010, 9:34 AM

April 13, 2010— -- Rescuers covered in mud and brandishing machetes emerged from a Florida swamp today, carrying an 11-year-old girl with Asperger's syndrome on a stretcher through dense alligator infested wilderness.

Nadia Bloom was discovered today by a member of her church who was searching for the girl who disappeared Friday near the swamplands around Winter Springs, Fla.

Bloom's family and police stood on the edge of the woods, waiting for rescuers to bring home the girl who police said suffered only from bug bites and dehydration.

"We are overwhelmed by the love of everybody… Everyone across the country praying," the girl's father Jeff Bloom, told reporters once the girl was safely out of the woods and was placed in an ambulance.

According to ABC News affiliate WFTV, she was discovered waist deep in water by James King, a member of Metro Church in Winter Springs.

King, who exited the woods with a team of sheriff's deputies, was covered in mud, his shirt soaked with sweat.

King shouted to reporters that "God will direct your path. He directed me straight to her because I prayed."

King called police from his cell phone at 8:30 a.m., telling them he found the girl. Police pinged his cell phone to determine the general location he was calling from, but only pinpointed him when the rescuer climbed a tree and threw a roll of toilet paper to signal a passing police helicopter.

When rescuers reached Bloom, she said: "I'm glad you guys found me. I can't believe you rescued me," according to Winter Springs Police Chief Kevin Brunelle.

Police are questioning King to better learn how he found the girl, but say for now, "he is a hero."

The girl's father said, "Our daughter is a nature lover. She went on a bike ride and stopped and went off to take some pictures."

Jeff Bloom said the outpouring of prayer and help in the search "shows the compassion of the human spirit. It should give everyone encouragement... It really should."

To celebrate her rescue, the Metro Church planned a potluck dinner for the town in its parking lot with restaurants donating food, followed by a religious service to give thanks. Nadia family and her rescuer were expected to attend.

Police said the woods were too thick to evacuate Nadia by helicopter and she was carried out of the woods by 15 deputies.

"She's doing surprisingly well. She has bug bites and some dehydration," said Brunelle.

"If I never believed in miracles, I sure do now," the chief added.

Brunelle said Bloom's parents spoke to the girl via cell phone while waiting for her to be brought out of the woods.

The evacuation, Brunelle said, had been hampered by dense brush and heat, which fatigued the team of rescuers.

"She should be able to walk. We don't want her to, but she should be able to," Brunelle said.