Shantina Smiley's Family Fears Abduction

Shantina Smiley suffered alcoholic relapse before she and her son disappeared.

ByABC News via GMA logo
March 16, 2010, 3:03 PM

March 17, 2010 — -- The family of the missing Washington mother Shantina Smiley fear that she may have asked for help from the wrong people, endangering herself and her young son, who have now been missing for nearly four days.

Smiley's fiance, Robb Simmons, also told "Good Morning America" today that she has had a problem with alchohol and had a relapse last week.

The woman and her son disappeared Saturday after a series of bizarre events in which she fell in a parking lot, bought a corn dog and left it behind, knocked on a stranger's door for directions and then went in the opposite direction.

Her van was found partially submerged at the end of a narrow dirt road that was difficult for police to find, even in the day time.

"[Smiley] is too trusting," said Dana Carver, the aunt of 8-year-old Azriel Carver who vanished with his mom. "She is one of those girls who wears her heart on her sleeve."

"Who knocks on the door of a complete stranger at 10 p.m.?" asked Carver. "And who in their right mind goes down a dirt road at night. It's just too weird. You just don't do that in 2010."

"It could be possible that the wrong person picked her up," she said.

Authorities announced today that they had widened the search to the areas surrounding the body of water where Smiley's car was found.

Police said they had made no progress in unraveling the mystery of Smiley and her son's disappearance.

"It's a real stumper right now," Lt. Chris Mealy of the Thurston County Sheriff's Office said.

The worries of Smiley's fiance are fueled by concerns that the recovering alcoholic has slid back into addiction just days before she vanished on her way to visit her stepfather.

"I don't know how I'm able to keep going right now," Simmons told "Good Morning America" today.

Simmons said he last talked to Smiley Saturday afternoon before she and her son set out for her stepfather's home, about two hours away.

"She said she's getting ready to hit the road and I said 'Okay I'll see you on the road,'" Simmons said. He expected to catch with them so they could drive down together, but he never saw them again.

"I'm missing half my family right now," Simmons said. "It's an empty, scary dark place."

Simmons tried to remain hopeful as he addressed a message to Smiley. "I just want you home, baby. I want you and Azriel home. Everybody's hurting. We've got a lot of years left and a lot of plans," he said.

Jay Carver, the father of the missing boy, arrived in Seattle from his home in New York Tuesday to help look for his son and his former partner.

Carver told ABC News' Seattle affiliate KOMO-TV that he has been feeling "very helpless."

"I'm going to look around, and probably spend a lot of time looking in the woods. I know there's been a lot of people looking already," he said. "I'm going to see what they've already unturned and uncovered, and possibly, hopefully, maybe find him."

Smiley and Azriel haven't been seen since around 10 p.m. on Saturday when the two stopped at an Olympia, Wash., home to ask for directions.

"We could be the last people to have seen her. Like, ever," resident Taylor Williams said. "I really hope that's not the case."

Williams said Smiley didn't appear to be drunk or otherwise impaired, but seemed nervous and looked as if she'd been crying. She told the family she'd left the highway to find her son a bathroom.

They were recorded on a nearby store surveillance camera around 10:30 p.m. That video capped off an evening of strange behavior, including a late-night stop to buy a corn-dog that was paid for, but left on the counter, and a fall in a market parking lot.

When she was last seen, Smiley got directions to the highway from an elderly couple, and then headed in the wrong direction.

Smiley's actions seem to suggest she was disoriented as she headed farther and farther from where she was supposed to be.

Her minivan, with the doors open and no one inside, was pulled from the water on a Puget Sound beach Sunday.

Police wouldn't comment on Smiley's reported troubles with alcohol addiction. On Tuesday Mealy told ABC News, "This woman had no enemies, no history of domestic abuse and no spousal abuse. From all indications she was a very stable woman, a very loving woman."

Mealy was baffled how Smiley's car ended up in a pond at the end of a tiny road through the woods.

"I couldn't even find the access road, and it was light out," Mealy said. "You really have to know where it is. It's the kind of road you don't want to take because it's so steep and narrow."

"It's very rare for someone who doesn't know the area to wind up where her van wound up," Mealy said.