Rita the Manatee Heads to the Wild -- and You Can Follow

After 26 years at SeaWorld, a manatee goes back to the wild, and you can follow.

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 26, 2009, 6:28 PM

Feb. 27, 2009 — -- After 26 years at SeaWorld Orlando, Rita the manatee was released into the wild Thursday in the most dignified way a 3,000-pound sea cow can be released -- by crane.

At 12 feet long, Rita was the largest manatee the park had ever taken care of and was much loved by visitors and staff alike.

To make sure she's safe and never quite out of touch in the wild blue yonder, scientists equipped Rita with a satellite tracking device and have a team of animal rescuers ready to save her "at a moment's notice if she shows any signs of acclimation issues," according to a statement from SeaWorld.

Later today, you can track Rita's progress at SeaWorld.org.

That same tracking device can be used by manatee enthusiasts to track the marine mammal's progression at www.seaworld.org.

"The ultimate goal for every manatee we rescue is to successfully release the animal back to its natural habitat," the statement read.

But after so long in captivity, some people worry whether Rita will be able to survive on her own.

The statement from SeaWorld cites "mixed results" when long-term-care manatees are released into the wild and note "some tragic losses."

"We are confident that Rita will be well monitored and our team stands ready to immediately bring her back if there are problems," the statement assured.

According to the Wonderful World of the Manatee Web site, the animals can live up to 60 years, meaning Rita, at around 35-years-old, is diving into the second half of her life in the wild.

Although Rita is a curvy 3,000 pounds, she is still a quarter-ton short of some of the biggest manatees, which weigh around 3,500 pounds.

For more information on manatees in general, visit the Wonderful World of the Manatee Web site by clicking here.