Statement on Behalf of Ron Burkle

ByABC News via GMA logo
April 9, 2006, 3:28 PM

April 9, 2006 — -- Following is a statement by Michael Sitrick, a spokesman for Ron Burkle, regarding New York Post gossip writer Jared Paul Stern's comments to ABC News about extortion allegations against him.

Mr. Stern's re-characterization of events are just that.

As to what occurred in the meetings between Messrs. Burkle and Stern, the tapes are very clear as to what Mr. Stern said and what he didn't say. They are also clear with respect to what Mr. Stern meant.

The New York Daily News published excerpts from an hour-and-21-minute talk between Messrs. Stern and Burkle from a March 31 meeting. They correctly reported that Mr. Burkle's end of the conversation was directed by his attorneys, FBI agents and an assistant U.S. Attorney. After both the FBI and the U.S. Attorney's Office viewed tapes of the meetings and all of the e-mails (including wire transfer instructions) in their entirety, the U.S. Attorney's Office contacted the N.Y. Post and requested a meeting to ask for The Post's cooperation in its probe and help in preserving evidence. We believe these actions speak for themselves.

Besides what has already been reported, the tapes also show that that Mr. Burkle made it very clear he had no interest in investing in Mr. Stern's clothing company. They also show that Mr. Burkle never had any interest in Mr. Stern serving as a so-called media or any other consultant.

As we said earlier, the characterization by the N.Y. Daily News and the N.Y. Times of what is on the tapes is accurate. Beyond that we cannot comment.