Clinton Calls for Supporters to 'Max Out' Their Donations

N.Y. Senator beat Obama 55-45 percent in Pa primary. Now she needs cash.

ByABC News via GMA logo
April 23, 2008, 10:11 AM

April 23, 2008 — -- On the day after her 10-point victory in Pennsylvania, Sen. Hillary Clinton asked her biggest supporters to pony up and "max out" their donations if they had not already done so.

"We have to raise a lot of money," Clinton told the largest conference call of fundraisers ever organized by the campaign. Organizers on the call said that some 3,100 people were listening in.

Clinton praised the fundraisers for helping her beat Sen. Barack Obama even though he was able to outspend her in Pennsylvania by at least two to one.

"Thanks to you we've once again defied the odds. We defied those who said we couldn't do it, who said we should get out," Clinton told her supporters.

But she said the road ahead would be difficult.

"I can't do this without your help," Clinton said. "I know you understand this, but boy is it a tremendous hill to climb."

Prior to Tuesday's vote, the Clinton campaign had said it had $9 million on hand but $10 million in debts. Obama's rival campaign, meanwhile, has $41 million dollars ready to spend.

But Clinton, who won 55 percent of the vote in Pennsylvania to Obama's 45 percent, may have climbed out of the red with a surge of post-election donations. As of 11:30 p.m. Tuesday, the Clinton campaign claimed it had raised nearly $2.5 million since the state was called for the New York senator. Eighty percent of that money came from new donors to the campaign, it said, calling it their "best night ever."

On ABC's "Good Morning America" today Clinton said that despite having less money than Obama, D-Ill., her win gave her a great "vote of confidence" moving forward.

"We were outspent and it was a tough campaign but people really came through and gave me a great vote of confidence, telling me I could keep going," Clinton told "GMA's" Diane Sawyer, adding that she'd had a "great time" celebrating with supporters and staff last night.

Clinton called Tuesday's win "very big and very sweet" and stressed that her win should send a message to unpledged superdelegates.

"The road to the White House does go through Pennsylvania," she said, adding that Tuesday's win proves that she can win the large and swing states, crucial to a November victory.

Clinton declined to endorse a call to let undecided superdelegates pledge to whoever wins the popular vote where Obama still enjoys a half-million vote lead saying that the popular vote is only "one of the most important factors" voters should consider.

"If you include Florida and Michigan, then the popular vote is very close," said Clinton, counting contests not sanctioned by the Democratic National Committee, where the candidates did not campaign and where (in Michigan) Obama's name did not even appear on the ballot. "In fact, I actually have more votes from people who actually voted for me."

Minus the two disputed states, Clinton is approximately 500,000 votes behind Obama in the popular vote.