Did Sexy Texting Cause a Royal Rift?

British tabloids report Chelsy Davy may have caught Harry sending text messages

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 18, 2009, 9:43 PM

Nov. 14, 2007 — -- Did a prince get caught cybercheating?

News reports from Britain say that secret text messages may have caused Prince Harry's royal split with longtime girlfriend Chelsy Davy.

Chased by the paparazzi for three years, Harry and Davy were thought to be a rock-solid couple, even closer than older brother Prince William and Kate Middleton.

But they went from rock solid to on the rocks, say the British tabloids, after Davy caught Harry texting another woman.

"Prince Harry, like his brother, is probably the most watched bachelor in all of Britain. But in the end it wasn't the paparazzi or the public who seems to have caught him, but his cell phone," said Robert Johnson, the royal reporter for the Evening Standard newspaper.

This isn't the first time a wayward communique has caused romantic crisis.

David Beckham was allegedly caught amorously texting his assistant. Prince Charles and Princess Diana were both caught on the phone with their lovers.

More recently, someone tried to tap William's cell phone, leading to criminal charges.

Harry, 21, and Davy, 22, carried on a long-distance relationship for three years while he pursued his military career and she finished college in South Africa.

She had just moved to England to study law so they could be closer and, according to friends, "take their relationship to the next step."

She's now said to be devastated. Davy nicknamed Prince Harry "Haz." Now she might be calling him "has-been."