Bride's Guide: Q&A for the Big Day

Planner's tips, from thanking your parents to remembering to eat lunch.

ByABC News via GMA logo
April 15, 2010, 10:27 AM

April 21, 2010— -- It's hard not to sweat the small stuff when you're planning a wedding, but I've gotten to the point where I've stopped worrying so much about some of the smaller details.

Just a few short months ago, I agonized over choosing the perfect font and paper for the invitations, and compulsively revised the language on the directions card.

This week I bought table cards on a whim on my way home from work, and I honestly don't really care whether they match anything else. People are just going to throw them out, right?

I think it's healthy to let go of some of the minor details, but wedding planner Mindy Weiss says there are some small details that make a big difference on your Big Day.

1. You should walk around to the tables at the reception and try to say hello to the guests. When everyone is seated, it's important to take a bite of food and then greet your guests.

This is especially important because my fiance, Mark, and I aren't having a receiving line, which Weiss says is fine.

"It is exhausting and wipes out a lot of my couples," she says, "and standing in one place for an hour ruins your feet for the rest of the night."

2. Do not forget to thank your parents sometime during the reception.

3. If you know it is someone's birthday or special anniversary on the day of your wedding, it will make a big impact if you acknowledge that.

4. Try not to be separated from your new spouse during the evening. Nothing is worse than when a speech starts and either the bride or the groom is nowhere to be found.

5. It's always nice to write your groom a note before you walk down the aisle. Have one of your friends deliver it during the day.

6. Don't forget that you need to eat during the day, and feed your wedding party if they are hanging with you. Also, if the makeup artist and hair dresser are with you all day, it is nice to offer them lunch too. Nothing is worse than a cranky wedding party.

7. My favorite party favor is a donation in the guests' names to your favorite charity. It is a gift that keeps on giving.

8. If one of your parents has a favorite song, it is nice to dedicate that song to your mother or father during the evening.

CLICK HERE for Day 23, how to plan a wedding without losing your sanity.