Your Week In Three Words: Shout Out Louds

Viewers share their week in three words to the music of Shout Out Louds.

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 29, 2010, 10:55 AM

March 20, 2010— -- This week's edition of Your Week in Three Words is set to the music of Shout Out Louds and its track "Tonight I Have to Leave It" form the band's second album, Our Ill Wills. Click here for more "Your Three Words."

Self-described as a band of "four guys and a girl," Shout Out Louds formed in Stockholm by childhood friends Adam Olenius, Ted Malmros and Carl von Arbin, with Eric Edman and Bebban Stenborg, the lone girl of the group, joining shortly after.

Shout Out Louds have been taking the American indie music scene by storm, appearing with everyone from the Strokes to the Kings of Leon. Its third album, "Work," was released in February.

Writing songs, recording and touring is all part of what the band sees as its job, hence the album's title.

"Work should be fun. People with boring jobs should quit them and get more stimulating ones," bass player Ted Malmros has said.

The band originally wanted to call itself Luca Brasi after the Godfather's infamous hitman but decided against it after it found out another band had already taken that name. And while its current name has nothing to do with Kiss, the band members insist they are all still fans of Gene Simmons's creation.