Weekend Window: Monument Valley, Utah

The desert wonder lies in Utah and Arizona.

ByABC News via GMA logo
November 11, 2007, 10:40 AM

Nov. 11, 2007 — -- The serene and comforting Monument Valley straddles the Utah-Arizona border.

"Monument Valley is in the heart of what we call the Nava kea, or Navajo land," said Garry Holiday, a Navajo Indian Artist. "Monument Valley is very sacred to the Navajo people."

The Native American influence is felt throughout the region.

"One statement of the Navajo people is one of living, and balance and harmony with nature, with the land, with all people of the world," Holiday said. "Nature has done a wonderful job."

The rock formations are a signature attraction in Monument Valley. They are cut in an interesting way, according to teacher Jack Seltzer.

"In the Navajo ancient culture, there is an ancient name given to each one," Holiday said.

"You've got the king on the throne," Seltzer said. "You have the three sisters down in the valley. You have the totem poles."

"You've got the left and the right mitten," he added. "They actually look like things that you can recognize."

"The landscape is awe-inspiring," Seltzer said.

"In Navajo, the word for beautiful is 'nejuna.' Monument Valley is nejuna -- beautiful," Holiday said.