Book Excerpt: Destiny's Style

ByABC News via GMA logo
October 13, 2002, 6:59 PM

Oct. 14 -- Tina Knowles, the mother of Destiny's Child singer Beyoncé Knowles, is also the fashion guru behind the popular group's world-renowned look.

She wrote Destiny's Style, to describe the inspiration behind the group's distinctive and provocative fashion sense. The group's style has been very important to their success, Knowles said.

"When they started the girls were young. It was the baggy hip hop era, so we wanted to bring the glamour back to girl groups. That was the plan from the beginning," Knowles told Good Morning America. "Fashion put them on the map to begin with."

Anyone looking to spice up their style should first consider their own body type, she said.

"I would look at their body and figure out what goes best on them," Knowles said. "If they have great legs show them, a great stomach or arms, accentuate that."

Here is an excerpt from her book, Destiny's Style:

These are great times for women to feel good about their looks. Gone are the days of one standard beauty type that everybody was trying to look like. Now, more than ever, women of all ethnicities, shapes and sizes represent the many faces of beauty in the media.

All the things we may have been teased about in high school are in fashion now. There are models out there with crooked noses, bootylicious bodies, big feet, heavy ankles. You name it it's out there.

Now that the rules of beauty have changed, all of us can give ourselves a break and be our own individual beautiful selves.

The foregoing is excerpted from Destiny's Style by Tina Knowles. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced without written permission from HarperCollins Publishers, 10 East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022