Diana Ross Talks About 'Dreamgirls,' Secrets to Staying Power

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 16, 2007, 9:01 AM

Jan. 16, 2007 — -- First with the Supremes and then as a solo artist, Diana Ross is one of those rare entertainers who has shaped American pop culture.

With her string of No. 1 hits, confidence and cutting-edge fashion sense, Diana Ross and the Supremes became the biggest and most successful American female group of the 1960s.

Ross then stepped into the limelight on her own with a string of smash solo hits, not to mention her triumphs on the silver screen. With her searing portrayal of Billie Holiday in "Lady Sings the Blues," Ross garnered an Oscar nomination for Best Actress.

Now Ross is back in the headlines, though indirectly, thanks to the hit movie "Dreamgirls," which has been called a thinly veiled history of the Supremes.

One of the film's stars, Beyonce, acknowledged she had a shrine to Ross in her trailer, and watched her movies to prepare for the role. Ross said to ABC News' Diane Sawyer on "Good Morning America" that she has not seen the movie yet.

"Maybe I should go see it with my lawyer," she joked.

Ross has refused to comment on the movie, but today she said she was "happy" for the cast.

"I've only heard what everybody else says, that it's very much my image and likeness," she said. "So if I've had an opportunity to influence any of these beautiful, talented young people, then I'm excited about it."

"I Love You," Ross's first studio album in seven years, comes out today. The album is a collection of classic love songs, including "Lovely Day," "More Today Than Yesterday" and "The Look of Love."

Pointing out that many of her songs have been about love, Ross said, "I think now, especially now, it's time to say, 'I love you.'"

The 62-year-old also joked about being "the aging diva," saying that some of her makeup tricks have changed over the years.

Judging from the audience reaction during her "Good Morning America" concert, the singer's star power hasn't dimmed a bit.