Music Legends' Kids Rocking Out on Their Own

Ben Taylor, Albert Hammond, JoJo Simmons & Mel Gabriel make their own music.

ByABC News via GMA logo
December 18, 2007, 5:52 PM

Dec. 26, 2007 — -- For celebrity offspring, pursuing a career in a "star" parent's industry comes with enormous advantages. But the scrutiny of celebrity culture means their careers are also burdened by expectation.

"They have to be that much better due to the road their parents have paved them," said E! film critic Ben Lyons, the son of NBC movie critic Jeffrey Lyons.

The challenge, Lyons says, is to establish their own styles. That can be particularly difficult for the children of music legends.

Their famous names think Sean Lennon, Jakob Dylan and Miley Cyrus, aka Hannah Montana will grab the headlines, but their long-term success might ultimately depend on how they define themselves as different.

"The kids who have trouble are the ones who try and replicate or duplicate their parents sound and aesthetic," said Lyons.

Ben Taylor, Albert Hammond Jr., JoJo Simmons and Melanie Gabriel are second-generation musicians taking separate paths to make their careers their own four aspiring talents challenged with moving beyond their parents' legacies.

Ben Taylor, 30, is the son of Carly Simon and James Taylor. A star in his own right, Ben occasionally collaborates with his mom and his sister Sally Taylor. Though his voice might remind you of his father's, Taylor has undoubtedly defined his sound.

"I just want to continue to get more experience and more comfortable in all of the aspects of music that I'm participating in. It progresses at a pretty satisfying rate for me," he said. He's currently recording and producing a new album for the label he co-owns, Iris Records. Ben Taylor's MySpace

Albert Hammond Jr., 27, is the son of legendary singer-songwriter Albert Hammond. Hammond Jr. is the guitarist for the smash hit garage rock band, The Strokes. He also has a very successful solo career and is currently six tracks into his second solo album. His trajectory continues to skyrocket, but he noted, "I'd love [to] find someone to play music with, to make a team, a songwriting partnership with whoever that person is out there." Albert Hammond Jr.'s MySpace

JoJo Simmons, 18, is the son of hip-hop icon and Run DMC co-founder Joseph Simmons and the nephew of music mogul Russell Simmons. What does he want to do? "Platinum and beyond. I don't just want to be an artist. I want to be an entrepreneur, with a shoe company and a clothing line," he said.

Just out of high school, Simmons is recording an album with his group Team Blackout, while working toward a degree in audio engineering. JoJo Simmons' MySpace

Taylor and his mom, Carly Simon, share their good looks

Taylor: "Eventually I figured that all of my heroes one way or another were musicians so I couldn't really find anything else that I really wanted to do."

Hammond: "I heard Buddy Holly and Roy Emerson when I was like 13, and ever since then it kind of just took off."

Simmons: "At the end of ninth grade I knew. I picked up the pen and knew I loved it. I was too short for basketball (laughs) and I felt more of a love for music."

Gabriel: "I was doing visual arts, painting and photography in college, and I started singing for fun and realized I love it. I just realized I had to do it."

Taylor: "It was intimidating having such radically successful examples as parents."

Hammond: "It made me want to beat him. I felt like what I wanted to do was very different than what he did though. I really have no connection musically to my father."

Gabriel: "It's pretty intimidating when you have a dad who does it well. Because of this it took me until i was about 23 to realize my passion for singing."

Simmons: "It hasn't really affected me in any way."

Taylor: "Because of who my folks are, when I started playing music I think at my first concert ever I had like 350 people there, and in the front there was like Spike Lee. It was terrifying."

Simmons: "It puts more stress on me knowing that my father was such an icon and I got to fill those shoes, but I'm just doing to my best and do what I got to do."

Gabriel: "It's been a struggle because people have high expectations of you but at the same time a blessing being exposed to wonderful music/musicians from all around the world and then his advice and encouragement, for example having me sing on tour with him."

Simmons is currently remixing one of his father's Run DMC tracks

Gabriel's Taiga Maya sounds nothing like her father's music

Taylor: "I like Fat Freddy's drop it's kiwi-reggae-funk. I love good hip hop The Roots, Mos Def. I still listen to Mos Def's last album like crazy. A lot of Amy Winehouse. I can't help it. I think she's amazing."

Hammond: "The Kinks and the Clash."

Simmons: "Fabulous, Dipset, Ja Rule."

Gabriel: "Joni Mitchell, Neil Young, Bob Dylan, Bjork, Beck, Radiohead, Grandaddy, Wavemachines, Farafina, Joseph Arthuotis, Rush/Albert Lee, The Notwist, Feist, Cat Power, Sina Nordenstam, Arcade Fire, Joan as Police Woman, Cocrosie, Martha Wainwright, Nick Drake, Jolie Holland and I stay open to new stuff."

Taylor has sung, played guitar and co-produced music with his mother, Carly Simon, and his sister Sally Taylor. He's currently singing and playing guitar on his mom's new album for Starbuck's "Hear Music."

"We sound great together," said Simon. "Our voices have a physically similar sound. It has a lot to do with looking at each other and seeing how your lips move and it also has a lot to do with coming from the same family and just having sung together for so many years."