Looking for Online Coupon Codes?

Tips to help you find the best discounts.

ByABC News via GMA logo
December 13, 2009, 7:34 PM

Dec. 14, 2009— -- Have you searched for online coupon codes only to find ones that have expired? You are not alone.

Everyone is looking for discounts. "Coupon Code" was the second most popular search term on Yahoo the day after Thanksgiving.

Here are some tips to help you find the best promotion codes online.

Yahoo Deals
Yahoo Deals lists the expiration dates of all the coupons. For example, if you search for the Kazoo toy princess bike, it was originally $109. But with the $25 coupon from Yahoo Deals, it is now $84.

You can still find a lot of discounts for clothing stores online. The Retailmenot Web site says it offers codes for 40,000 online stores. A pair of pajamas, a hat and mittens cost $22 at Old Navy. But after searching Retailmenot and finding a 20 percent-off coupon, it brought the total down to $17.60.

Retailers want you to spend a lot of money on their sites, so a large price tag usually means a large discount. Savings.com offers coupons to big-ticket department store items. A 14-cup coffeemaker from Kohl's was originally $109. But by searching Savings.com, you can save $18, bringing the price to $91.

There are some retailers that never offer coupon codes, such as Walmart.com.

And just because you find a coupon code does not mean you are guaranteed the best price online. Sony's Web site offers $20 off a $149 Blue-ray player. But Amazon offers the same item for even less; $118.

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