Gore on Green Investments: 'I Put My Money Where My Mouth Is'

The former VP said he invests in green, but most of his money is elsewhere.

ByABC News via GMA logo
November 2, 2009, 8:20 PM

Nov. 3, 2009— -- Al Gore has been advocating for climate change for 30 years, and the former vice president said he is more than willing to put his "money where his mouth is" and invest in green companies.

In an interview on "Good Morning America" this morning, the climate change guru commented on a quote from a story in Tuesday's New York Times that referred to Gore as the first "carbon billionaire" and said he profited from policies he supported.

Gore said the comment was from a "denier" and "certainly not true.

"I am proud to put my money where my mouth is for the past 30 years," Gore told Diane Sawyer. "And though that is not the majority of my business activities, I absolutely believe in investing in accordance with my beliefs and my values."

Gore, whose latest book is titled "Our Choice," said he believes the United States will succeed in switching to renewable energy sources.

CLICK HERE to read an excerpt from Al Gore's "Our Choice."

The former vice president said the upcoming United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen will mark one step toward accomplishing that goal and provides an opportunity to "create millions of new jobs here at home and reduce our dangerous dependence on foreign oil by relying on energy that is here in the United States, renewable energy that creates jobs that can't be outsourced."

President Obama has not yet committed to attending the conference, which takes place Dec. 7 to Dec. 18, but Gore said he feels "certain" the president will be there.

"I hope that he does go. And this conference is very crucial. First, because the scientists have been saying for quite some time we still have time to avoid the worst of the consequences of this cataclysm that is now unfolding," Gore said. "But we don't have a lot of time, and this is the best opportunity."