Apple CEO Steve Jobs to LIU Student Chelsea Kate Isaacs: 'Please Leave Us Alone'

E-mail exchange ends with Jobs asking student to "please leave us alone."

ByABC News via GMA logo
September 20, 2010, 10:25 PM

Sept. 21, 2010 — -- A New York college senior got more than she may have bargained for when she fired off an e-mail to Apple CEO Steve Jobs to complain about the company's media relations department's lack of responsiveness.

Jobs reply? "Please leave us alone."

It started when Chelsea Kate Isaacs, a journalism student at the C.W. Post campus of Long Island University, called Apple's media relations department to ask questions about the use of iPads in an academic setting.

She needed the company's input for an article she was writing on the topic.

But her repeated phone calls and voicemail messages to Apple's media relations department went unreturned.

So she wrote to Jobs himself. The father of the iPhone, iPad and iPod is known to respond personally to e-mails sent to the address

First, she told Jobs how much she liked his products and how helpful they'd been to her in school. Then she expressed surprise at how unresponsive the company's media relations department has been.

"The completion of this article is crucial to my grade in the class, and it may potentially get published in our university's newspaper … I have called countless times throughout the week, leaving short, but detailed, messages which included my contact information and the date of my deadline. Today, I left my 6th message, which stressed the increasingly more urgent nature of the situation. It is now the end of the business day, and I have not received a call back. My deadline is tomorrow," she wrote, according to the website

She also went on to say: "In addition to the hypocrisy of ignoring student needs when they represent a company that does so much for our schools, the Media Relations reps are apparently, also failing to responsibly handle the inquiries of professional journalists on deadlines. Unfortunately, for a journalist in the professional world, lacking the answers they need on deadline day won't just cost them a grade; it could cost them their job. Thank you very much for your time and consideration."