'GMA' Quick Tip: Smart Black Friday Shopping Strategies

How to make the most of your time and money on this busy shopping day.

ByABC News via GMA logo
April 15, 2010, 4:04 PM

Nov. 25, 2010 — -- For some people, Black Friday is the Super Bowl Sunday of shopping, and with all the sales and door-buster specials, it may seem impossible to find out about the best possible deals.

Wendy Bounds from the Wall Street Journal has a few tips to help you get through the madness so you can find just what you want.

Take a look at your shopping list and see if any of the early bird specials are on your list. If they are, then go super-early to the one store you believe will give you the deepest discount. If the item has sold out or doesn't meet your needs, do not buy a similar product on impulse. This is exactly what retailers want you to do.