Does Your City Have the Highest ATM Fees?

Seattle and Denver top the list.

ByABC News via GMA logo
May 6, 2011, 3:14 PM

May 16, 2011— -- Are you sick of paying bank fees every time you visit the ATM? Here's a list of the cities with the highest and the lowest ATM fees. See if your town made the list.

Highest ATM Fees

1. Seattle ($2.69)

2. Denver ($2.65)

3. Houston ($2.63)

4. Miami ($2.56)

5. New York Metro ($2.55)

Lowest ATM Fees

1. Cleveland ($1.83)

2. Minneapolis ($1.95)

3. Kansas City ($2.00)

4. Milwaukee ($2.08)

5. Pittsburgh ($2.10)
