Conan O'Brien Gets Offer to Be Best Man for Twitter Couple

Young bride-to-be stunned after Conan follows her on Twitter.

ByABC News via GMA logo
March 11, 2010, 8:39 AM

March 11, 2010— -- Hey, Conan, what are you doing Sept. 25?

If you aren't busy, a young bride-to-be and her betrothed wonder if you might be his best man? Just think about it. You'd look good in a tux.

For Sarah Killen and John Slowik Jr., having the former late-night, talk-show host standing at their wedding would be the perfect cap to the strange journey they've taken in the past few days since O'Brien picked Killen at random to follow on Twitter.

"We went from being really hard up and now we have thousands of people trying to help us," Killen told "Good Morning America" via Skype, the Internet phone service.

The young Michigan couple, who have been together for about three years and planning a low-budget September wedding, have been flooded with offers for wine, desserts, a dress and even a honeymoon. Not bad considering they had saved up $30 on their own so far.

All because O'Brien picked Killen, who had just three followers on Twitter, to follow.

He announced his choice Friday with the tweet, "I've decided to follow someone at random. She likes peanut butter and gummy dinosaurs. Sarah Killen, your life is about to change."

And change it has. The 19-year-old bride said she and her fiance had saved up $30 for their wedding before O'Brien's announcement. Now they are asking all Killen's new followers (she has more than 20,000 now) to donate money to the Susan G. Komen foundation before their August walk with Killen's mother in Detroit to benefit breast cancer research.

O'Brien posted a message for her again on Wednesday night after her interview got bumped on CNN's "Larry King Live."

"OMG!" he tweeted. "My pal Sarah got bumped from Larry King for something called "Breaking News." Has the whole world gone insane?!"