Courtroom Drama: Cameron Douglas Sentenced to Five Years in Jail

Michael Douglas asked judge for mercy before Cameron's drug sentencing.

ByABC News via GMA logo
April 20, 2010, 9:13 AM

April 21, 2010 — -- Michael Douglas got his wish: less jail time for his son. Manhattan Federal Judge Richard Berman on Tuesday sentenced Cameron Douglas to five years in prison on drug charges.

The occasional actor and DJ had faced 10 years in prison for pleading guilty to selling bulk quantities of methamphetamine and cocaine at Manhattan's upscale Hotel Gansevoort in 2009. Berman said he wasn't convinced that Cameron Douglas would stay away from drugs when he pleaded guilty in January, and called the five-year prison sentence the 31-year-old's "last chance to make it."

Cameron Douglas wore a scowl for much of the proceeding, according to the New York Post, which quoted the Hollywood heir as promising this time would be different.

"I made a lot of mistakes," he said. "I believe, your honor, that things will be different this time because I feel I have the full support of my family and parents. "

But Berman had none of it.

"We all need to get over the theme that Cameron Douglas is a victim," he was quoted as saying.

In a bid to keep his son from a long stint in jail, 65-year-old "Wall Street" actor Michael Douglas hand-wrote an impassioned, five-page letter to Berman, which was made public Monday. In his letter, Michael Douglas referred to his family's history of drug abuse.

"Dear Judge Berman," he wrote, "I don't want to burden you with a litany of my son, Cameron's rehab history, beginning at 13. He's an adult and responsible for his own life. We do know, however, that genes, family, and peer pressure are all a strong influence on a substance abuser.

"For the past eight months, I have cherished my two hr. a week in person conversation with Cameron at the MCC [Metropolitan Correctional Center]. He's sober!," he continued. "I get to witness the wonderful young man he can be. He maintains his spirit, blames no one but himself, and recognizes his criminal activity began with his heroin use."

But Berman called the letters "naive" and "somewhat misguided."

According to the Post, Michael Douglas was overheard telling his lawyer the sentence was "fair," while ex-wife Diandra cried and dabbed her eyes throughout the hearing.