Grandmother of Hidden Boy Denies Wrongdoing; Faces New Charges

Diane Dobbs tells "GMA" that she was protecting her grandson by hiding him.

ByABC News via GMA logo
September 6, 2009, 12:00 PM

Sept. 7, 2009 — -- The grandmother of a 6-year-old boy who was found huddled in a hiding space along with his mother faced new charges today in the alleged abduction, just hours after she said she did nothing wrong in helping to hide her family and keep the little boy safe.

While police have said Diane Dobbs' house was full of hidden nooks and secret rooms where Richard "Ricky" Chekevdia was hidden from the world, Dobbs told "Good Morning America" that "in two years time, [the boy spent] maybe five minutes" in the crawl space.

"My grandson had the run of the house, when we were outside we would go fishing, we would do weenie roasts, we've done fireworks on the 4th of July, he's helped me plant my flower garden in the back," Dobbs said in an exclusive interview from Marion, Ill.

Yet Dobbs, 51, and her fiance were charged with aiding and abetting while Richard's mother, Shannon Wilfong, 30, was charged with felony child abduction and could face at least a year in prison.

Dobbs was out of jail after posting $1,000 bond when she spoke to "GMA" today, but was rearrested along with her fiance this afternoon on charges of harassing a witness.

A spokesman at the Franklin County, Ill., Sheriff's Office refused to identify the witness who was allegedly harassed, but said Dobbs and her fiance, who police also declined to identify, would remain in jail until their court hearing on the new charges.

Before the new arrest, Dobbs told "GMA" that she does not plan to plead guilty to any charges.

"We were on our own and we had to do what we had to do and that was make sure our grandson was safe," she said, adding that the crawl spaces were there when she bought the house 14 years ago and was used mainly for storage.

Ricky Chekevdia and Wilfong disappeared in November 2007 in the middle of a heated custody battle with the boy's father, who Wilfong had accused of sexually abusing their son.

Mother and son were found huddled in a crawl space Friday by police who were acting on a tip. They said it was clear that Ricky had rarely, if ever, ventured outside. Dobbs said she put the two in the hiding space behind a dresser when she saw police gathering outside.

After Michael Chekevdia won temporary child custody rights, Wilfong accused him of sexually abusing the boy. When child welfare workers found no evidence and awarded Michael Chekevdia custody, Wilfong disappeared with their son.