Former Garrido Victim Faces 'Creepy' Attacker in Court

Three decades later, Katie Hall determined to see Garrido locked up forever.

ByABC News via GMA logo
October 29, 2009, 7:20 PM

Oct. 30, 2009— -- It has been more than 30 years since Phillip Garrido kidnapped and repeatedly raped Katie Hall in a Nevada storage unit for eight hours. But that didn't stop Hall from having a powerful, primitive reaction to seeing her attacker for the first time in court Thursday since her long-ago trial, Hall said today.

"I saw the same creepy, haunted look," Hall told "Good Morning America."

"It was much scarier than I thought it would be. ... It took me back to whatever happened in that storage unit so many years ago. I blocked them [memories] out but something reacted in me on a gut level."

But the fear will not stop Hall, she said, as she plans to be at every hearing she can attend so she can "make sure this man goes away forever."

Garrido, 58, appeared with his wife Nancy in a California court Thursday for a preliminary hearing. The two are accused of kidnapping Jaycee Dugard, then 11 years old, in 1991 near her school bus stop.

Dugard was rescued in August after she'd been held for more than 18 years in a compound of sheds and tents on the Garrido's Antioch, Calif., property with her two daughters that authorities believe were fathered by Phillip Garrido.

Garrido was in court for a couple minutes but Hall said the few seconds of eye contact the two made seemed like an eternity.

"I just glared back at him. I wanted to let him know I was there," she said. "Maybe I wanted to face my attacker for the first time in all these years."

Garrido was convicted of Hall's abduction and rape in 1977 and served more than 10 years of a 50-year sentence before he was paroled.

"I thought my goal was just to start my mission, so to speak, of being the watchdog in this case," Hall said. "I feel like I've been given another chance and I'm determined to see it through. ... This isn't a short-term thing. I'm going to be watching, so 10 years from now he won't slip through the cracks like he did with me."