Why the Ladies Love Larry King

Relationship and culture experts clue us into why Larry is considered hot.

ByABC News via GMA logo
April 15, 2010, 5:08 PM

April 16, 2010 — -- He's 76, married to a woman almost 30 years his junior and now is divorcing his seventh wife.

It sounds like a plotline from "One Life to Live," but instead this is the real life of Larry King.

On Wednesday, King filed for divorce for the eighth time (he married wife Alene Akins twice), this time from Shawn Southwick, 50, with whom he has two children, Chance and Cannon King. Later the same day, Southwick also filed for divorce. Both spouses claimed irreconcilable differences.

The couple did not have a prenuptial agreement, "Access Hollywood" reported Friday. King's attorney confirmed the report, but said there was "another agreement in place."

Either way, it may be one more sign that the King divorce battle will have twists and turns. Already, there are reports that the couple is fighting over child custody and that both spouses may have been cheating on each other at one time or another

In any event, King is back on the market.

The longest he ever has gone without being married is five years, so bachelorettes should get ready. If history repeats itself, America could see another Mrs. King soon.

But with the possibility of an impending King wedding, the question becomes who would want to date, marry and consummate a relationship with a man so close to being in his 80s. Really, why do so many ladies seem to love Larry King?

"Larry is hot!" Joy Behar said on Thursday's "The View." "He's a sex machine, OK? It's running on kerosene, but still."

There must be something about Larry King that draws in beautiful women because he definitely dates lookers. In the past, he has been connected to Angie Dickinson and beauty queen Rama Fox.

"My mother in law made me realize that this guy had something that women found very attractive," Paul Levinson, a professor of communications and media studies at Fordham University, told ABCNews.com. "She listened to him religiously in the early '80s before he had a television show. She would stay up all night just listening to him on the radio."