President Obama Declares American Samoa a Major Disaster

At least 119 people are dead from the 8.3 quake and resulting tsunami.

ByABC News via GMA logo
September 30, 2009, 12:09 AM

Sept. 30, 2009 -- President Obama has declared the U.S. territory of American Samoa a major disaster after an undersea earthquake caused a tsunami and massive flooding that has reportedly killed at least 119 people in the South Pacific Samoan Islands and the islands of Tonga.

The president's declaration makes federal funding available to people in American Samoa, which has a population of about 65,000 people.

The 8.2 magnitude quake triggered huge waves that overtook small villages. The initial quake was followed by at least three aftershocks of at least 5.6 magnitude.

The quake struck early Tuesday morning in American Samoa and the independent nation of Samoa just as people were preparing to go to work, taking citizens by surprise.

The Associated Press has reported that at least 119 people were killed. That includes at least 83 people in Samoa. Officials say the death toll is likely to rise with dozens missing.

"I don't think anybody is going to be spared in this disaster," the acting governor of American Samoa, Faoa Sunia said.

A woman who works at a hotel in the Samoan capital of Apia said the area shook unlike any previous earthquake.

"All the houses were shaking," she told ABC News. "Really stronger than other earthquakes that we had before."

Speaking in Honolulu, Sunia said he has received reports of the destruction of several coastal villages. The governor's office said communication with the islands has been difficult, and that several people were still missing.

"There are still some families looking for their loved ones [who] ... left home and [went] ... to work early this morning," Sunia said, adding that several of those who died "were on their way to work in their cars this morning," as the "American Samoa main road is right next to the ocean.

"The first step," he said, "is trying to get some generators ... water and food" to those affected.

"At this point, our people really need help," he said, as he prepared to head to the islands.

Nynette Sass of Samoa Hotel Association told the BBC that there was total devastation on the islands. "The South Coast, the low lying areas where a lot of people live and operate tourism business is completely wiped out, absolutely nothing standing. Even concrete buildings are all gone."

In a statement released early today, Obama and the first lady said they would "keep those who have lost so much in our thoughts and prayers."