Mosque Leaders Part of Fort Hood 'Healing Process' at Memorial Service

FBI examines mosque garbage cans as leaders head to Ft. Hood memorial service.

ByABC News via GMA logo
November 9, 2009, 6:59 PM

Nov. 10, 2009— -- Leaders from the mosque where alleged shooter Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan worshipped are on their way today to Fort Hood to attend the memorial service in a move some hope will help ease suspicion and anger between Muslims and the military base, still reeling from last week's tragedy.

"We are partners in the healing process," Maj. John Zavage, an Arabic-speaking specialist in Middle Eastern affairs who came to transport four members of the mosque of the Islamic Community of Greater Kileen onto the post, told ABC News' Bob Woodruff.

But as Zavage spoke, FBI agents arrived at the mosque, and some examined the contents of garbage cans.

Dr. Mansoor Farooqi, a pediatrician and president of the mosque, as well as the co-founder Ofman Danquah, will attend the memorial service today along with two other members of the mosque.

In addition to the mosque members, soldiers, families and officials alike are steeling themselves for what's expected to be an intensely emotional day at Fort Hood as the country mourns the loss of 12 soldiers and a single civilian killed in last week's shooting rampage at the Army post.

President Obama will attend the 1 p.m. service, which is open to the public. The president told ABC News' Jake Tapper Monday he is "heartbroken" over the shooting.

"We are going to complete this investigation, and we're going to take whatever steps are necessary to make sure that something like this doesn't happen again," he said.

The suspected shooter, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, is recovering from several gunshot wounds he sustained in an exchange with a responding police officer that ended the rampage. Legal counsel for Hasan, retired Army colonel and former military judge John P. Galligan, spoke with his client Monday and said Hasan will not be talking to investigators at this time.

"We met for about a half an hour," Galligan said. "He's still hospitalized and I'm not a doctor but I'd consider his condition still guarded."

Galligan refused to comment on Hasan's state of mind or any possible motive for the shooting, saying it would be "premature and improper."

He said, however, "Anytime someone is charged with an offense of this nature, and I'm not talking about his case specifically, any defense counsel would want to ensure there is not a mental responsibility issue present."

Hasan, Galligan said, "was sufficiently coherent to understand... He knew who I was, even though, again he was heavily sedated, sedated to the point, I think, he was starting to doze off."

The lawyer said he intends to make sure that Hasan's rights are protected, and to that end has asked federal authorities to stay away from his client. Galligan also said that Hasan's defense counsel will request its own investigator as well as paralegal assistance to conduct its own investigation into last week's attack.

Meanwhile, dozens of other soldiers injured in the assault continue to recover at Carl R. Darnell Army Medical Center, where ABC News' Bob Woodruff was granted exclusive access Monday.