Save Big on Candy This Halloween!

ByABC News via GMA logo
October 29, 2006, 2:39 PM

Oct. 29, 2006 — -- Halloween is reported to be the third-most expensive holiday of the year, right behind Christmas and Valentine's Day. If you have small children, expenses for costumes, candy, decorations and possibly admission fees to Halloween events can take a toll on your budget.

Many costumes can cost more than $35 at party stores, which adds up quickly if you have more than one child. With a little creativity, you and your children can make easy costumes with items you have around the house. For 100 easy and inexpensive costumes you can create at home, check out Some ideas only take a few minutes to pull together!

This week, I asked viewers to submit their favorite Halloween savings tips, and they came up with many clever ways to save on costumes, decorations and more.

From Mercedes Wayman of Longmont, Colo.:
"For those costumes that rarely get used, exchange them with other people. The Web site lets you exchange costumes with other people. All you have to do is pay for shipping. I think that's a great way to use and get costumes."

From Glenda of Moses Lake, Wash.:
"I have two children, and at the end of each September I would find out what they both wanted to be (the younger they are, the more suggestions I gave). I then scout out the Salvation Army, Goodwill to find either the costume itself or materials and supplies to make one. One year, I found a feathered wig and an old striped housecoat that became a great clown outfit for my six year old. Another was an extra large pink sweatshirt and a can of hair spray and my daughter became a troll. For the less crafty, a plain black garbage bag and, yes I'll dare to say it, duct tape, makes a great M & M bag."

From Sharon Hansen of Loganville, Ga.:
"If you haven't discovered thrift stores, you haven't truly been a bargain shopper. Not only do I find cool jeans and vintage clothing for my teen, but also the coolest clothing for costumes ever. Also watch out for special sales. Sometimes certain days of the week mean discounts. In my area, the Salvation Army store has all clothing half priced on Wednesdays. The Goodwill store varies, some days certain color tags are discounted, or certain items. For example, on Mondays all yellow tags and ladies dresse[s] are 50 percent off. The sales will vary in your location and may also vary from week to week. Look for funky boots and shoes, evening dresses, tuxes, wigs (be sure to clean first before wearing), vintage styles and even decorations. Some stores will save up decorations and put them out right before the holiday. Check back on the days right after the holiday to get even bigger discounts on seasonal items."