Here We Snow Again: Blizzard Conditions Slam East Coast

D.C., Philadelphia, New York getting hit by another round of extreme snow.

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 10, 2010, 7:17 AM

Feb. 10, 2010— -- The sentiment among snow-weary East Coasters was largely the same as they woke up this morning -- Again?

The second of two storms to batter the eastern seaboard in less than a week has already shut down highways, schools, flights and mass transit.

As dawn broke, Washington D.C., had a fresh six inches on top of as much as two feet in some areas from the weekend's storm. New York City was expected to see more than a foot of snow today with 60 mph winds.

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Blizzard conditions are expected in seven states and more than 100 million people will be affected. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg gave about 1 million schoolchildren a reason to cheer -- preemptively closing schools for only the third time in eight years.

Not so thrilled about the storm is anyone trying to travel. USAir canceled 1,422 flights, Continental, 800; United, 600 and Southwest, 450.

One woman in the D.C. area told "Good Morning America" that she just can't get a flight out.

"I was supposed to head out on Sunday," she said. "I think my flight has been rescheduled four times now."

U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood told "Good Morning America" that it will be several hours before people are able to move around.

"In Washington, D.C. the mayor has called out the national guard to try to get the streets opened up," he said. "Everyone is working real hard at the airports … it will probably be a few more hours before the flights are back in the air again."

Some have called the weather "Snowmaggedon" or "Snowpocalypse." Some simply call it "Round 2." Either way it's a storm that could shatter several records.

Hardest hit has been the nation's capital. The federal government has been shut down for three days straight costing $100 million per day in lost productivity as 230,000 workers sit at home.