Statement from Jenny Craig to 'Good Morning America'

Consumer Reports just rated Jenny Craig #1 in their latest diet ratings

ByABC News via GMA logo
May 11, 2011, 3:59 AM

May 11, 2011— -- Statement from Jenny Craig to Good Morning America:

We were pleased to be included in Good Morning America's tasting and are delighted that the chefs confirmed what we have always known: that Jenny Craig's Cuisine tastes great. This is even further solidified by the fact that Consumer Reports just rated Jenny Craig #1 in their latest diet ratings in the June 2011 issue scheduled to hit newsstands Tuesday, May 10. Jenny Craig beat out Slim-Fast, Weight Watchers, Zone, Ornish, Atkins, and Nutrisystem to be named the winner, with an overall ratings score of 85.

The article also highlights Jenny Craig's two-year study published in JAMA (the Journal of the American Medical Association) that showed that 92 percent of participants who stuck with the Jenny Craig program lost 10% of their body weight in one year, and had minimal regain at the two-year mark. This, coupled with Jenny Craig's comprehensive approach, personal counseling and food supplemented with fresh fruits and vegetables, gave Jenny Craig an edge over the other weight loss programs.

We also think it is important to note that Jenny's Cuisine is only one component of the Jenny Craig food-body-mind approach to a personalized weight management program and it is designed as a teaching tool, not a total food replacement. In a client's weekly one-on-one consultation, the consultant personalizes their menu to their preferred tastes and teaches them how to incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables into every meal. At any given time, Jenny Craig offers more than 80 food products, enabling our clients to create personalized meal plans that include their favorite foods.

Jenny Craig is a clinically proven, comprehensive weight management program available through our in-centre program with more than 652 Centres in North America and Jenny Craig At Home, which offers telephone-based consultations and food delivery for convenience and privacy. Recently published in the Journal of American Medical Association, Jenny Craig clients lost 10% of their body weight in a year.

--- Patti Larchet, CEO, Jenny Craig