Watch Out, D.C. -- Here Comes TMZ

ByABC News via GMA logo
April 14, 2007, 2:14 PM

April 15, 2007 — -- From President Bush's "Oops, I left my microphone on" moment when he called New York Times reporter Adam Clymer a "major league a--hole" to John Edwards marathon primping session that aired on You Tube to the song, "I Feel Pretty," these days politicians have to watch their every move.

With the race for the 2008 White House heating up, there's even more reason to watch out, as, the salacious Web site known for catching celebrities in the act, goes to Washington.

"TMZ coming from a place like Hollywood, where as long as you spell my name correctly it's good press; that's not the case here in Washington," Garrett Graff, editor-at-large of Washingtonian magazine told "Good Morning America Weekend Edition." "It could be real dangerous for people. TMZ could really shake things up. D.C. has a dirty underbelly, just like New York or L.A."

With spies from bellhops to campaign staffers digging for dirt on the competition, and payouts for incriminating video, the site is hoping to stumble on a juicy scandal like last year's exclusive that busted former Rep. Mark Foley for having inappropriate conduct with male House pages.

TMZ has already caught countless Hollywood embarrassments on tape, such as a racist rant from "Seinfeld's" Michael Richards, and Mel Gibson before his infamous DUI arrest, when he appeared to be stumbling at a bar.

"Traditional media has always covered celebrities on the red carpet: Their hair is perfect, their makeup is perfect, they always say the right things and that's not reality," said Harvey Levin, managing editor of TMZ. "The Internet is covering celebrities in a much more real way."

Now it's hoping to do the same with often predictable politicians, and pounce on an Internet-driven Capitol where missteps spread like wildfire and information is viral.

"That is a terrifying world," ABC News' Cokie Roberts said. "The place they're going to have to be more careful is in some kind of private meeting among friends -- because those 'friends' might have a cell phone that can take a picture and record something."