Teen Tells How He Helped Save Pregnant Victim

ByABC News via GMA logo
October 15, 2005, 9:00 AM

Oct. 15, 2005 — -- It's a crime almost as gruesome as it is shocking: Peggy Jo Conner, 38, allegedly attacked her eight-months-pregnant neighbor Valerie Oskin, 30, dragged her into the woods and cut her open in an attempt to rip the unborn baby from her womb.

Seventeen-year-old Adam Silvis was riding an ATV when he discovered the women in the woods, saying he saw legs sticking out of the brush and Conner trying to cover the body.

"I tried to keep my cool and act nonchalant because I had to go home to call the police," said Silvis, who admitted he was "extremely scared."

"I acted like I couldn't see what was going on but it was obvious," he said, adding that Conner didn't appear nervous and even made small talk.

Silvis said he drove off, telling Conner he had to check his hunting station. Before he left, he made sure to memorize Conner's license plate in case the women weren't there when he returned.

When he arrived home, he told his father, Andrew Silvis, what he had seen.

"I grabbed my gun and grabbed the other ATV," Andrew Silvis said. "We were back down there in about two minutes.

"I could see a body laying there," he added. "I could hear her murmuring broken English, I couldn't understand what was she saying."

Andrew Silvis said he asked Conner what was happening, and she replied, "nothing."

He told his son to go home and have his mother call 911 and the state police.

Oskin's baby, a boy, was delivered by emergency C-section, and he's doing just fine.

And for the first time since her brutal attack, Oskin was able to speak with investigators. She was badly beaten and had nearly bled to death -- but identified her attacker.

"She is off the ventilator, and she is breathing on her own," said Scott Andreassi, Armstrong County District Attorney. "She does have some recollection of the events of Wednesday. She was able to provide us with as much recollection that she had."