Study Examines Snoring Treatments

ByABC News via GMA logo
September 23, 2003, 9:49 AM

O R L A N D O, Fla., Sept. 23 -- A new study claims snorers found no difference after using three popular over-the-counter remedies.

Otolaryngologists, Dr. Peter Michaelson Michaelson and Dr. Eric Mair, both at Wilford Hall USAF Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas, looked at three different popular over-the-counter remedies in their study titled "Popular Snore Aids: Do they work?"

The doctors looked at Snorenz, a lubricating mouth spray; Breathe Right nasal dilator strips; and the ergonomically shaped pillow called Snore No More.

Michaelson, the author of the study, said their weeklong study showed that each of the three products tested were unsuccessful.

"In looking at a full week, that's over 270 individual sleep tests with 40 patients looking at objective, scientific numbers and questionnaires of the patients and spouses, none of the three worked," Michaelson said on ABCNEWS' Good Morning America.

Michaelson said study participants engaged in seven consecutive nights of testing. The first, third, fifth, and seventh nights were to be tested without the use of any snore remedy; the remaining nights were reserved for product testing.

The makers of Breathe Right Strips say their company has done independent studies that prove their products do work. Breathe Right Strips went on to say that Michaelson's study is flawed because it lasted not the full seven consecutive days they recommend.

In a statement, the maker of Snorenz also criticized the size of the study writing, "One small test, consisting of 40 participants, does not prove anything." Snorenz and Snore No More also said that they have many satisfied customers, but acknowledge that their products don't work for everyone. The product manufacturers and the researchers agree that snoring can result from a variety of causes.

Habitual snoring, which is estimated to affect from 24 to 50 percent of men and 14 to 30 percent of women, is a symptom of sleep disordered breathing. It stems from vibration of various anatomical structures of the upper aerodigestive tract while sleeping.