Reese Witherspoon on Blonde X 2

ByABC News via GMA logo
July 1, 2003, 2:40 PM

NEW YORK, July 1, 2003 — -- As Legally Blonde 2 hits theaters Wednesday night, star Reese Witherspoon braces for an even more personal sequel of her own, baby No. 2.

While her character, Elle Woods, tackles animal rights issues her new movie, Witherspoon, 27, and her husband, actor Ryan Phillippe, are getting ready to tackle parenthood for the second time around.

The two young actors already have a 3-year-old girl named Ava .

"I think I'm much more relaxed this time," Witherspoon told ABCNEWS' Good Morning America. "I've done it. It's scary the first time but I feel comfortable."

Witherspoon says Phillippe (Cruel Intentions, I Know What You Did Last Summer) has helped her balance everything that's going on in her professional life with her busy personal life.

"He's super husband, super dad," Witherspoon said. "He's very supportive and hands on. We're all very excited."

Witherspoon says she plans on a taking a break from work for a little while after she wraps up all of her current projects.

In Legally Blonde 2: Red, White and Blonde, Witherspoon juggled a few different hats, as the lead actress and as a producer.

"It was good for me because I had never been in on the creative process of casting the movie and finding the directors," Witherspoon said. "It was a great experience."

Battling for Bruisers Sake

In Legally Blonde's sequel, Elle, now an attorney, discovers something that turns her world upside down while tracing her Chihuaha Bruiser's family tree. Elle is horrified to learn that Bruiser's mom has been the victim of animal testing for cosmetics. The pretty-in-pink blonde decides to head to Washington, D.C., to get animal testing for cosmetics banned.

At home, Witherspoon, like Ms. Woods, has a Chihuahua, but her own dog is distinguishable from Bruiser. Only one of them owns a wardrobe.

"My husband, first of all, will have no part of me dressing an animal," Witherspoon said. "He thinks it's undignified."

The actress says she's never grown tired of playing Elle because she thinks there is something very valuable within the character.