Oprah Still Stunned By Own Fame

ByABC News via GMA logo
June 30, 2003, 9:55 PM

July 1 -- It was an event with thousands of women and just a few men out of their seats and on their feet dancing, singing, clapping they were at the hottest show in town: Oprah.

The $185-a-seat tickets completely sold out in a few hours, and those who made the pilgrimage to see talk show queen Oprah Winfrey speak in Philadelphia were in like-minded company.

Emerging into what looked like a cross between a religious revival and a rock concert, Winfrey stepped out of her car at the Philadelphia show to find fans lined up along the red carpet to greet her, overjoyed to be in her presence and hungry to hear her words.

The only one taken aback by the event's success seemed to be Winfrey herself.

"I will honestly tell you it's hard for me to take that in, and when it happens as I'm pulling up and I see it happening it's really hard to take that in," Winfrey told Good Morning America's Robin Roberts in an exclusive interview.

Living Your Best Life

But on stage, Winfrey met the crowd with her usual enthusiasm.

"Philadelphia! Hello girls! You look good!" Winfrey said to her fans. Next, came her trademark sass.

"I love the fact that you're here, you paid $185 dollars and some people more and you don't even know why you're here," the talk show queen joked. Winfrey has been traveling the country on her four-city "Live Your Best Life" tour, which wound up this past weekend in Philadelphia.

"You came because obviously you saw us talking about or advertising for living your best life," Winfrey said. "And this is a session, a sharing session where I am here to offer myself to you and everything that I have come to know to be true in life."

Her friends, including best pal Gayle King, tease her about the attention she receives from fans.

"One time we were going someplace in Racine, Wisconsin, and my friend Gayle was with me and we're pulling up and there's this big, long line and there's traffic and I was getting there and all these people are out, and Gayle turned to me and she goes, 'Who else is coming?'" Winfrey said laughing. "I go, it's just me. She goes 'They're all here to see you? What else is going on?' "